Crazier than a loon, and I'm not talking about myself. Some days I could be. Easily. (And not just when PMS is a factor.) But yesterday it was Rico that was off-his-rocker crazy. In his defense his did have a migrane, and was medicated for that. But his normal migrane-med-induced loopyness was compounded by the fact that he'd taken a sleeping pill (or two).
OMGoodness was he freaky. And guess what? He has absolutely NO RECOLLECTION of what a freak-show last night was as a result. It's cracking me up. And he doesn't believe me.
Trust me, hon. I'm telling it true. You we're nuttier than a fruitcake. And girlier than I ever could be (can you tell which one of us is the romantic one in this relationship? Here's a clue: not me). Needy. Whiney. Clingy. Nearly in tears at one point.
Some night I'm going to have to tape it when he's taken his migrane meds. While last night was a prime example of the nuttiness, other nights are just as much fun. It might be enlightening for him.
But for today we're repeating ALL of last nights' discussions, because he doesn't remember any of it. We watched the Masters -- and I know that Fred Couples was 6 under par at the end of yesterdays' play, a point Rico just clarified for me as we are watching Tom Watson chipping out of the bunker right now, and I'm like, DUH, I know that, we watched the end of it and the interview that followed yesterday (and I don't even like golf -- and I'm so tired of hearing about Tiger that I could spit nails). We had a long talk about our potential vacation to Mission Point Resort (no recollection). We talked about job stuff (still nothing). We talked about what show we were going to tape and which show we were going to watch (Mentalist v. Marriage Ref), and tonight he asks which one I want to watch first.
Seriously? He really doesn't remember that we watched all of Marriage Ref already? Nope. Nada. Well, I for one am not watching it again. It just wasn't that good. Sorry Rico, you're on your own with that one.
Happy weekend to all!
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