Today was an exciting day at work -- it was the day they announced the winners of the "Put Your Best Foot Forward" contest. This was a contest that was thought up by the head muckety muck at work, and the plan was that you had to wear your most expressive footwear to work and submit a photo to enter to win the contest.
Normally something like this would rank right up there with celebrating "Talk Like a Pirate Day" (which yes, we have celebrated at work before) in my mind -- and by that I mean I was thinking "WTF are they thinking?"
And then I read what the prizes were going to be: iPad 2s and $100 AE gift cards. PLURAL on each of those prizes. As in more. than. one. of. each. prize.
I gotta admit that got my attention.
Both of those sounded very appealing. Very. But, and here's the problem, I don't have any shoes that could be called -- by any stretch of the imagination -- expressive. I'm a tennis shoes and flip flops kind of gal, and that's not something that's going to get a ton of votes for originality.
So I decide I'm going to pimp out a pair of tennis shoes with my Relay For Life and American Cancer Society bling. It's a way to express support for a cause that's near and dear to my heart at work. Normally that's not allowed because showing any support for anything like that is frowned upon as solicitation. (Can you tell I don't agree with them about what constitutes solicitation?)
So this opportunity is exciting. Bling out a pair of shoes, feature something I'm proud to be a part of, and maybe win a prize. BONUS!
Here they are in all their blinged-out beautious-ness:

What do you think? Rico was laughing at me as I was pinning all the bling on after I got done doing my nightly workout on the treadmill. I believe the work "dork" may have been uttered (or maybe I just imagined it -- I truly don't remember). What I remember is that I was getting made fun of. But hey, it was the best I could do, and I was pretty pleased with how they turned out. So I wore them to work and I jingle-jangled around all day with my Relay For Life spirit out there for the world to see.
AND I WON. I won big -- you're lookin' at a grand prize winner, baby! I won an iPad2 today at work! Woop-woop!
Today was a good day to be at work. :)
Here were the runner's up that scored the gift card prizes: