Yesterday -- Boy, what a day of highs and lows. Or rather, lows and highs.
The butt-kicking "low" kicked off the day. We found out about more "restructuring" of our department (be sure you're visualizing me making air quotes with my hands, 'cause that's how it's intended). Another "Restructuring," a mere year and two weeks after the last one that our department experienced. Really, we just celebrated the one year anniversary (with cake) when my liberated 'Lunch Bunch' friends met us for lunch last week.
More people let go. More people reassigned. Low, low, low point. I wasn't equipped for that, and I believe I'm sublimating, even now. I was so happy to get outta' there and head to the "high" of the day -- our Relay For Life of Lowell kickoff rally.Relay For Life of Lowell Kick-off Rally! Go Relay!
We kicked the butt of the predicted snowstorm yesterday and had a great Relay For Life of Lowell Kick-off in spite of the forecast of 6-12 inches of snow (imagine that, snow in February... in Michigan, ha ha). It snowed, all day, but the great-dumping-of-snow held off until the midnight hours. Yippee!
The Kick-off went really well. We did Relay expo with theme tents related to the differnt elements of Relay: a survivor tent, two fundraising tents, a luminaria tent, a silent auction, and a coloring tent. We had displays and handouts at each area to give potential or new teams ideas -- and J took pics (but I still have to download them). It went well in spite of the weather. The jazz band played, we had some great speakers, and we all got motivated for another year of raising funds for the American Cancer Society. We had great turn-out and got a lot of teams signed up to participate. By this morning we had 8 teams signed up online and had filled another spot on the Relay Planning Committee. Woo-Hoo!
We'll be "Celebrating More Birthdays" at Relay this year -- won't you join us? Go to our website to join our team (Team Postal Connections -- woop-woop!), make a donation to our team (or to me in particular), form a new team, register to attend our Survivor Celebration, or get information about sponsoring our event. We'd LOVE to have see you there on June 11-12! Go Relay!

P.S. Did I mention my SISTER outbid me on the two silent auction items I really wanted? Rude! :)
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